this time, it's for me
I’m going to forget all the nights I spent wishing you were here.
I’m going to forget the times that it was just us.
I’m going to forget the things that shouldn’t have happened.
I’m going to forget all the times I opened myself up to let you in, to only get hurt in return.
I’m going to forget how I felt about you.
Är så trött på allting, trött på att det aldrig blir som jag tänkt mig. Tänk att det kan kännas så bra och enkelt ibland, men ändå så förjävligt..
I dream about you, just to wake up to realize you're gone.
I’m going to forget the times that it was just us.
I’m going to forget the things that shouldn’t have happened.
I’m going to forget all the times I opened myself up to let you in, to only get hurt in return.
I’m going to forget how I felt about you.
Är så trött på allting, trött på att det aldrig blir som jag tänkt mig. Tänk att det kan kännas så bra och enkelt ibland, men ändå så förjävligt..
I dream about you, just to wake up to realize you're gone.